The Preah Vihear Provincial Administration has decided to designate two villages in Kulen district as red zones after some residents there tested positive for the coronavirus Delta variant. SUPPLIED
The Preah Vihear Provincial Administration has decided to designate two villages in Kulen district as red zones after some residents there tested positive for the coronavirus Delta variant.
In a decision dated August 26, it said the two villages – Kulen Cherng and Kulen Tbong, both in communes of the same name – will be in lockdown for two weeks from August 26 through September 8.
During the lockdown, no one is allowed to leave home unless in emergency or out of necessity with permission from authority. Outdoor exercise and sport activities are prohibited, and so is gathering. Non-essential entry and exit are barred.
Preah Vihear on August 26 reported 13 new Covid-19 cases but it was not immediately clear how many Delta cases were detected in the province and the two villages.